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Mengenal Apa Itu Emisi dan Berbagai Dampaknya

Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari pasti emisi selalu berada di sekitar meskipun kamu tidak menyadarinya. Emisi sendiri semakin bertambah seiring dengan global warming yang terjadi di seluruh dunia. Ingin lebih mengenal apa itu emisi dan bagaimana dampaknya bagi kehidupan? Simak ulasan menarik berikut ini! Apa Itu Emisi?

Corporate Governance for Accountable Climate Action Sees Upward Trend

  Indonesia has a 35% increase in companies whose board level oversees climate issues. 77% of investment managers consider it their responsibility to hold companies accountable on climate change and inequality. Meanwhile, 88% of 25 to 40-year-olds say their job is more fulfilling when they

Industrial Decarbonization Must Involve Entire Corporate Value Chain

In many sectors, the majority of carbon emissions lie in a corporation’s value chain Reducing company’s carbon emissions also means reducing carbon emissions in its entire value chain Mapping and decarbonizing the value chain prove to be a big challenge for companies Jakarta, 15 November

COP 27 : Integrity Matters in Net Zero Commitments

The 27th COP world climate conference which took place in Egypt just ended on November 18. This year’s COP event is interesting to observe because in the previous year, COP 26 in Glasgow made an important breakthrough to push the world to achieve net zero

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