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PT Pan Brothers Tbk. Green Office at Boyolali (Central Java)

The Indonesia Net Zero Summit: Industrial Decarbonization at All Cost, held on 11 November in Bali, opens a new chapter in the country’s journey towards achieving Net Zero Emissions. Across five panel discussions, and with fireside chats as well as breakout sessions in between, the summit put leading industry actors on center stage as they shared invaluable learnings gained from their respective company/organization’s efforts in taking the necessary climate actions. Among these companies was PT Pan Brothers Tbk., a leading national garment manufacturing company who is taking real actions to reduce emissions along and beyond their value chain.

PT Pan Brothers Tbk. & Group continuously strives to apply greener building and manufacturing concepts with our Green Office building located in the production complex of Mojosongo, Boyolali, Central Java has been awarded the Platinum Standard by the Green Building Council of Indonesia based on its “Green Building Concept” on September 17, 2020, and as of 2020 two of the largest subsidiaries, PT Pancaprima Ekabrothers and PT Prima Sejati Sejahtera are certified ISO 14001:2015 for Environmental Management System. The company has determined that all new factories, office buildings, and machinery must and will be environmentally friendly in terms of energy and water usage. As per the President’s Decree No.79 of 2014 on National Energy Policy, Indonesia has set an ambitious target for the contribution of renewable energy to the energy mix to be at least 23% by 2025 and at least 31% by 2030 so in line with this national commitment, PT Pan Brothers Tbk. is committed to utilizing at least 31% renewable energy sources across all of our 18 entities by 2030 by investing in renewable energy and energy-efficient technologies.

Read more on PT Pan Brothers Tbk.’s sustainable initiatives in their Sustainability Reports which you can access here.

During the summit, Anne Patricia Sutanto, Vice President Director of PT Pan Brothers Tbk., will be present at the summit as a panelist for the fourth panel discussion, “Corporate Climate Governance.” She emphasized that the company puts a heavy focus on people in its corporate governance relating to climate, as they operate in a labor-intensive industry.

“We want to highlight that there is a sustainable textile and garment coming from Indonesia, and it’s not only about the environment, but also the people,” she elaborated.

The Indonesia Net Zero Summit 2022 became an opportunity for leading actors and companies in the national net zero movement such as PT Pan Brothers Tbk. to accelerate collective actions in building a low-carbon economy and realizing a climate-resilient Indonesia.

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