During KADIN Net Zero Hub’s Soft Launch at the Cut The Tosh Collaboration Summit, Chairman of KADIN Net Zero Hub, Muhammad Yusrizki, emphasized the urgency of industrial decarbonization in order to save both the planet and the national economy. In the same spirit, the B20 task force stresses for just, inclusive energy transition, especially noting how Indonesia’s industrial sector still rely heavily on fossil fuels; transitioning towards greener energy will certainly change everything. Held on November 11 in BNDCC, Bali, the Indonesia Net Zero Summit will open up the set of B20 sideline events leading up to the B20 Summit.
The Indonesia Net Zero Summit, with the theme “Industrial Decarbonization at All Cost”, will present the urgencies, challenges, opportunities and call to actions for industrial decarbonization from Indonesian companies as well as regional and global companies across industries. Industrial decarbonization is a pathway that business and industries must opt for in order to significantly reduce their carbon footprint. Yet the benefit and value of this pathway come with its own cost and challenge. Just like businesses today, carbon emission knows no boundaries. Thus, a global-level engagement and cooperation such as this summit is mandatory. The summit draws from the interactions between KADIN Net Zero Hub and many companies and organizations from the last 12 months. As an initiative pioneered by Indonesian Chamber of Commerce to accelerate industrial decarbonization, KADIN Net Zero Hub addresses issues such as renewable energy and waste, which are already at the foreground of public discussion, to financial services and corporate governance which can be considered a still nascent discussion. The call to actions presented during The Summit are intended for all companies in Indonesia to join the movement and create a new wave of decarbonization initiatives and to become a positive force for Indonesian government to be more ambitious in its national decarbonization initiatives.
From tackling value chain decarbonization to engaging financial institutions, the Indonesia Net Zero Summit will cover topics that dive deep into the whats and the hows of transforming the industrial sector in order for Indonesia to secure a climate-resilient future. Spanning over five panel discussions, the summit will feature over 30 speakers representing leading companies in the net zero transition. The summit will be attended by more than 1.000 registered participants, coming from 30 countries and 20 different sectors.
We will be in a week full of climate-driven transition discussions; from COP27 which provides a pivotal opportunity for developed and developing nations to collectively push for not only ambitions, but also implementations of a just transition, to the upcoming B20 Summit whose task forces have the responsibilities to formulate policy recommendations centered around sustainability and balanced economic growth. The Indonesia Net Zero Summit will kickstart a nation-wide climate action.
To see the full agenda, you can go back to the summit’s Landing Page.