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Industri Fashion Global Menuju Rendah Emisi Karbon

Memiliki fungsi sebagai pelindung tubuh, pakaian (sandang) merupakan satu dari tiga kebutuhan pokok manusia, bersama dengan makanan (pangan) dan tempat tinggal (papan). Namun, sejalan dengan perkembangan waktu, fungsi pakaian fungsi, bukan melulu sebagai pelindung tubuh dari terik matahari atau dinginnya udara, tapi juga sebagai sebuah

Pembangunan Rendah Karbon sebagai Pondasi Indonesia Emas 2045

Tahun 2045 akan menjadi momen bersejarah bagi Indonesia. Bangsa ini akan memperingati kemerdekaan yang ke 100 tahun. Dalam dokumen Visi Indonesia Emas 2045, ditargetkan Indonesia akan menempati peringkat empat dari lima negara dengan kekuatan ekonomi terbesar di dunia, maju dan berpenghasilan tinggi yang mampu keluar

Banking imperatives for managing climate risk

Download PDF More than regulatory pressure is driving banks to manage climate risk. Financing a green agenda is also a commercial imperative—but specialized skills are needed to protect balance sheets. The surface temperature of the Earth has risen at a record pace in recent decades,

Design cost-effective, carbon-abated products with resource cleansheets

Download PDF Resource clean sheets assess component costs and carbon emissions at the same time—so designers and engineers can model design and production choices without compromising emissions goals CEOs increasingly recognize the green imperative. They understand that in the coming decades, environmental sustainability will drive

Why investing in nature is key to climate mitigation

Download PDF A new consultation paper from McKinsey and the World Economic Forum explores the role that natural climate solutions can play in addressing climate change and the destruction of nature Natural climate solutions offer an opportunity to address both climate and nature crises and

Creating the zero-carbon mine

Download PDF Despite a daunting timeline, zero-carbon mines are within reach if the right solutions are implemented The mining industry is at a tipping point where sustainability and de-carbonization are top items on CEOs’ agendas. To achieve a 1.5°C climate-change target by 2050, the mining

Net-zero or bust: Beating the abatement cost curve for growth

Download PDF Companies can both de-carbonize and boost long-term growth. But it means pushing beyond abatement curves’ focus on cost and instead empowering people—while making a few big, strategic bets. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues had become priority concerns for

True packaging sustainability: Understanding the performance trade-offs

Download PDF Sustainability of packaging materials varies by which sustainability elements are prioritized. Companies in the value chain will need to understand the trade-offs across carbon footprint, recycle-ability, and waste reduction. Sustainable-packaging efforts are often centered around a desire to decrease leakage, improve circularity, reduce
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